The 15th International Forum of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering was organized at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca from November 21 to 22. As part of the 2nd Session – Education in the digital age, three presentation related to the NextGEng project were delivered. The three presentations focused on the following topics:

  • Fostering excellence in engineering education through an international co-teaching framework as part of NextGEng Project
  • NextGEng Co-Teaching Pilot Program
  • NextGEng – Cases for Experiential Learning Projects

With over 40 participants, including Higher Education Institution (HEI) teachers, researchers, and industry representatives from Romania, Spain, Finland, and Germany, the conference facilitated an enriching exchange of ideas. It was a prime opportunity to share the NextGEng experience and showcase results, extending the project’s impact to new potential beneficiaries.