Results and outcomes of the NextGEng project

NextGEng Tailored Training Program

Two rounds of training were organized for the participating teachers in the project. The training activities focused on developing new skills related to student-centered teaching methods that facilitate international team-teaching.
In the second training seminar teachers from associated partners were invited to present and share the project best practices. Read more…

Team-Teaching Pilot Program

The NextGEng Team Teaching Pilot Program aim at enhancing existing courses in partner HEIs through international and cooperative efforts. It introduces new content and teaching methods, involving lecturers and industry experts, to help students apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. The program features a flexible, modular course design, allowing students to tailor their learning based on their abilities and background. It includes real-world industry examples, eco-friendly elements to develop green competences, and emphasizes student-centered learning, experiential learning, and self- and peer-evaluation. Read more …

Cases for Experiential Learning Projects

CEL Projects aim to facilitate collaboration among students, HEI staff, and company experts. Students from diverse study programs and nationalities are grouped to solve an industry or research problem.
The 1st round of the CEL Project was already implemented during the 2024 spring semester. This round included three projects, all started with an intensive week scheduled for February 12-16, 2024. After the intensive week, all students worked on the topic and the final presentations were delivered at the end of April 2024. Read more…